Top 5 Tips For Succeeding With Bing PPC Ads

Web businesses are getting wiser into the importance of consistent traffic generation to boost their brand and business sales but may be undecided on the best marketing approach to undertake for the best outcomes. One potential marketing strategy that could propel a web business from oblivion in the limelight of success is Bing PPC ads.

This choice of Internet advertising is extremely powerful with high returns based on its astounding features of scalability and versatility. However, it is a challenge to deploy Bing PPC ads without the right knowledge or skills in handling its marketing features.

Tip#1 ? Prepare Advertising Budget and Plan

Every successful business must have a marketing plan and budget; without which failure is set. An advertising budget is crucial to the smooth implementation of the identified marketing plan with an identified niche market. This would help the marketer or business owner focus on what needs to be done in what manner.

It is crucial to act within the plan and budget to avoid over-costing that is bad for the business cash flow. Marketers and business owners need to be focused and disciplined in what is to be spent and what is affordable within the budget for the best results at the end of the day. This would help them achieve their marketing objectives, especially when implementing Bing PPC ads.

It is advisable to commence the marketing plan on a smaller scale with a smaller budget that would not be a burden to the business operations at that point in time. It is possible to increase the budget and marketing options to expand the marketing scope over time when profits start to flow in. This would generate a good return on investment that would encourage the marketer or business owner to proceed forward.

A smaller marketing plan on a smaller budget helps the marketer or business owner track the progress of the marketing campaign while testing the effectiveness of selected options. The reports provide accurate analysis of the effectiveness and efficiency of the choice of marketing plan with the assigned budget.

Tip#2 ? Split Test Ads for Greater Effects

As the adage goes, “never put all your eggs into one basket”, it is wise of marketers or business owners to split test Bing PPC ads. This would mean having several different ad copies operating simultaneously for comparisons to check the effectiveness and efficiency of each advert.

Marketers and business owners would be able to identify the better Bing PPC ads from the reports generated if a clear and efficient monitoring system is implemented. The bottom line is to identify the ads that would generate the highest click through rate, which benefits the business bottom line. This would help marketers and business owners make more informed decisions in selecting the types of ads for future marketing campaigns as there would already be proven records of viability on different ad campaigns.

The primary objective of Bing PPC ads is to generate higher CTRs every time with subtle changes made to the ads.

Tip#3 ? Relevant Keywords in Ad

Relevant keywords are crucial to the success of the ad where targeted consumers are directed to focus on the important words regarding the business offering. It may just a handful of 5-7 keywords required in an effective Bing PPC that would enhance CTR and quality score besides lowering the cost per click option.

If less money is spent on CPC ads, more profits would be reaped at the end of the day, which is the primary objective of marketers and business owners. Hence, it is crucial for marketers and business owners to identify the best of competitive keywords to be included in the Bing PPC ads that would work for them in generating more traffic and profits at the end of the day.

Tip#4 ? Consider Negative Keywords

Many marketers and business owners tend to focus primarily on competitive keywords and their positioning in an ad, but forget about negative keywords in the same campaigns. However, negative keywords are just as instrumental to the success of Bing PPC ad marketing where a negative keyword list helps marketers and business owners be aware of what is not hot in the market at the moment and steer away from such to avoid wasting time and effort or money in these.

Hence, the marketing campaigns become more targeted and focused to bring about the desired end results. This would improve the quality score besides cutting down on the number of unwanted clicks. The Bing PPC ad would only attract the right market audience who would click out of support for the brand and business.

Negative keywords become a more efficient way in managing the business advertising budget for greater effects. A higher CTR is expected as the generated traffic is more relevant to the ad displayed.

Tip#5 ? Call-to-Action Option

A successful Bing PPC ad should include a call-to-action option that is obviously the best course to take by the potential lead after viewing the advert. Sometimes, web consumers are to be instigated or directed to the marketer’s desired path of action that would benefit the brand and business.

A call-to-action option could be placed at the end of the ad where web consumers would be directed to with simple instructions such as “click here for more information” or “click here for free giveaways”. An opt-in feature could instigate potential leads to become mailing list subscribers with an online form to fill in their name and contact information. Marketers and business owners could take further action on these opt-in subscribers to build stronger marketing relations that would benefit the bottom lines of the business over time.


It is not difficult to manipulate Bing PPC ads with the myriad of free or low cost advertising tools and technologies in the market today. Marketers and business owners only need to be well versed with the dynamics of these ads on Bing platform to reap attractive rewards in terms of high traffic to their website and massive potential leads as opt-in subscribers on their mailing list.

About the Author: wpprotools

Viral video marketing is one way of driving traffic that can bring more people to your offer than anything else. Here are some tips from the big players online.

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