Google Keywords Tool – Your Lifeline To Targeted Visitors

One of the basics of having an online business is getting traffic to your website or offer, and the foundation of getting traffic is targeting the right keywords. Google is one of the biggest search engines and as such would know better than virtually anyone what phrases are searched for the most and you can use the free Google keywords tool.

Before you set off to establish your keyword list you need to identify the niche you are going to target. Once you know that, you can than start by using a basic phrase associated with your niche. The keyword tool when then offer you suggestions on some other possible keywords.

When you use the keyword tool there are some settings that you need to be aware. The three types of match types are broad, exact and phrase. For each matching type there are pros and cons.

Broad match will give you the most outcomes since it is just what the name implies: broad match. So if you search for the term cheap golf balls you can get results that include any of the three words: golf, balls, or cheap.

With broad match you won’;t necessarily get targeted visitors to your site. You will tend to get a lot of traffic, but it won’t be targeted and it won’t likely get you many sales.

Exact match means that you will receive visitors that are searching for the exact keyword you target. So, to use the example above, if you are using the exact match feature for the keyword Cheap Golf Balls that is exactly what you will get which will usually result in less traffic but the traffic you get will be more targeted, and that is the best.

The general rule of thumb is that you want a keyword that has a lot of searches but not a lot of competition. What constitutes a ‘lot’ can vary some what depending on the methods you are using to get traffic.

You will have to determine for yourself what you the parameters would be for your specific niche. It might take a little trial and error when you are first starting out.

It doesn’t matter what type of traffic generation you are using online, you will need a good list of keywords. Pay Per Click, Search Engine Optimization, Article Marketing, etc. will all start with you doing your homework and gather a large number of great keywords to target.

One of the best parts of having an online business is that many of the tools you will need to succeed are free to use. You can realistically start a business online even if you have no money at all. All you really need is access to an internet connected computer and the will to succeed.

To begin your online journey you can use one of the best free tools around, the free Google keywords tool. Having a solid understanding of what keywords are and how to generate good keywords lists is essential to your online success.

About the Author: wpprotools

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