Multiple Streams of Income Tips

– So what’s the myth surrounding multiple income streams? Hey, this is LeahRae from, and we have built several multi-six figure income streams in our online business, and having multiple income streams is actually a really good thing when it’s done correctly. But so often we see people do it the exact wrong way. And they wonder why they’re not making any money. Well I’m gonna debunk this whole mystery, and make sure that you make sure that you understand why you need multiple streams of income, and what’s the wrong way to do it that we see so many people do.

And instead how to do it the correct way. Because, and you can definitely do it the wrong way, and it’s gonna keep you broke. If you learn how to do this the right way, it’s gonna create stability and massive income for you and your family. Now if you wanna get more into the nuts and bolts of building an online business, grab access to the training at the top link of the description. We got some stuff that’s gonna teach you how to go from zero to six figures, six figures and above. Now for multiple streams of income, well why is it important? Well, when you’re offering someone else’s product, whether, whatever kind of company, business model it is, if you’re referring people to a product, service opportunity online, what happens if something changes with the company that’s offering that service? And don’t think that this can’t happen ’cause it happens all the time. Over night companies have been shut down by the FTC, they’ve changed their compensation plans where people who spent tons of time building big teams and pouring their heart into it, overnight those teams are gone.

Companies have decided that instead of working with affluent marketing or direct sales models, overnight they’re just gonna put it in the store shelves instead. This happens all the time. And you know so many people, especially if you watch our channel, it’s all about creating time freedom for you and your family. So a lot of people have this idea they’re gonna build this online business, then they’re going to quit their job or their spouse is gonna quit their job, and the only income coming into their family is gonna be through their business, which is great, that’s what Todd and I do. But here’s the thing, if that company shuts down overnight, and you were only promoting that one company, or that one company’s products, how you gonna pay the mortgage? How you gonna put food on the table? You’re kind of in a pickle, a big pickle.

So it’s very insecure. It’s not a good way to build a business. So what’s the wrong way to do it? ‘Cause we see this all the time. People say well I’m building lots of streams of income, but they’re not making any money doing any of it. And it’s because yes they’ve got multiple products that they’re doing or multiple opportunities or whatever, but they’re totally different audiences. So they’re trying to sell essential oils and a nutrition shake. Or they’re trying to sell E-mail auto responder systems and discounts for your home energy use. It’s not the same audience. It’s very different audiences. So when you do that you’re making way more work for yourself, it’s not doable. Instead of having one audience that you can produce content for and serve and put offers in front of, you’ve got this audience over here that you’re just promoting the one thing to, then you have this audience to over here that you’re promoting another thing to, and guess what you’re not gonna make any money because you’re not gonna be able to do enough content and engage enough with those individual audiences to really get them to make any purchases.

And you’re gonna be spinning your wheels, doing way too much work, and not making any money. So don’t do that. I know it’s hard because you see a great opportunity, you see a great product, whatever, and you wanna run with it, but you maybe are already committed to something else. If it doesn’t serve the same audience, put your blinders on and ignore it, okay.

auto responder systems

Otherwise it’s just shiny objects and I’m jumping from one thing to the next and you’re stay broke. So how do you successfully create a business with multiple streams of income? Every single offer that you provide needs to speak to the same target audience. The same target audience. So if you’re in the health and wellness industry, perhaps you’re selling your very own fitness program, a digital product that you’ve created, that’s awesome. Well you can add additional offers to that to really make your business very robust and secure. So on top of your own digital products, maybe you’ve found this water bottle company that has the very best insulated water bottles.

I use Camelback Eddy’s, I love them, our house is filled with them all the time. So maybe you partner with them and you promote them as an affiliate, even if it’s just through Amazon. Then you maybe find a great yoga mat that you absolutely love and you wanna promote, promote it, it’s the same target audience. Your target audience that you’re selling exercise programs to, well people who exercise need a water bottle. People who are doing yoga and floor work are gonna need a yoga mat. So you’re doing multiple offers for the same target audience. So the idea is that every single offer solves a different problem for the same target audience. That’s how you successfully create a multiple income stream business. Same target audience, but different offers, solving different problems for them along the way. So a good rule of thumb that you should have when you’re looking at different offers is, number one does this still serve the same audience I’m already working with? If it doesn’t you shouldn’t look at it, just keep on moving.

Make sure, first and foremost, that that offer, the new offer that you’re evaluating, it serves the same target audience that you’re already building. Now if it does serve that same target audience, how does it fit with the other offers that you already have? Is it something that’s gonna replace an offer? Is it something that compliments an offer? Make sure that it makes sense, that you’re not just promoting two of almost the same sort of thing ongoing. It can replace something, so you found something better, awesome start promoting that instead. Or it can compliment your other offers. But don’t promote more than one thing that does essentially the same stuff, that doesn’t work. So remember, to successfully build an online business as fast as possible, just focus on one target audience. One audience, that’s it. And don’t spread yourself too thin trying to do too much ’cause you’re not gonna make money. Again, don’t forget, grab your access to the training, top link in the description. Please know that we are rooting for you.

We are here to help you create the time freedom that you and your family deserve. So if you’re new to the channel, guess what? You gotta subscribe. Hit that subscribe button right now so that we can help you do that. Again, this is LeahRae from Head over to the video, watch this one next, and I’ll see you soon..

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