Marketing Trends for 2016: What to Focus On

Marketers and business owners know that it is necessary to watch the market constantly on its change of trends for consistent ROIs. It is common for the market trends to evolve with emerging technologies and other factors. Hence, marketers and business owners need to keep a close watch on the market to benefit more in 2016.

Potential Marketing Trends in 2016

Although there is no specific formula to know how the market would move this year, it is possible to make a calculated wise guess as careful and detailed analysis is conducted on the market. This could benefit businesses immensely with more gains than expected if their forecast is accurate.
There may be certain major trends which would come on in 2016 even as modern technologies open the floodgates for business prosperity. Market experts and business gurus are predicting various market trends based on current and past trends with new technologies arising to impact consumers.

Video Advertising

The videos are highly favored by consumers in today?s business advertising as promo videos could be entertaining while being informative. Modern consumers prefer to watch a promo video over reading a text email on the latest business developments or products offered. Attractive business deals are more appealing when presented through videos in animation with sound and visuals than plain text.

Even search engine giant Google is changing its search algorithm to consider video-based ads in its indexing formula. Hence, video ads are likely to take a more prominent role in many business marketing campaigns this year.

YouTube is the master player behind the increasing deployment of promo video ads while other search engines such as Facebook and Bing are providing the necessary platform for video ads marketing. There would be a definite increase in video based advertising as consumer preference in it increases. Smart marketers or business owners would capitalize on it for further gains in 2016 as video production tools and resources become readily available at low cost.

Mobile Advertising

With the rising popularity of mobile phones and mobile devices today through mobile technology, mobile ads are poised to impact the markets in 2016. Companies would need to generate compelling ads in their marketing campaigns for their new or upgraded mobile websites with appropriate apps that caters to the increasing mobile users in the market.

Mobile ad agencies keep sprouting in the market with dynamic mobile technology to provide the necessary skills and tools in generating the best of mobile ads that could be downloaded on smartphones, tablets or iPads. Mobile advertising is expected to grow much faster with PPC and CPA advertising on desktops lacking luster.

Smart businesses would adjust their mode of operation towards mobile ads with mobile friendly websites that would attract more web consumers who are likely mobile users.

Social Media Marketing

The growing dynamism of social media makes it a likely candidate in emerging market trends. Its high subscriber list is very attractive to businesses wishing to improve their web traffic generation; many of which are mobile users. The increasing prominence of the Internet impacts strongly on social media with more users plying its platform daily as Internet services are increasingly available even in rural areas.

There is always a likely audience anywhere on the face of the earth using Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or Instagram. New social media platforms keep emerging to delight web consumers who enjoy to surf the Internet or to stay connected with others. WhatsApp marketing has become another dynamic marketing trend to interact with contacts to generate a buzz.

These are dynamic marketing methods which generate greater marketing exposure for all businesses deploying them in their marketing campaigns in 2016.

Dynamic Marketing Apps

It is noted that dynamic marketing apps seem to sprout out with emerging technologies to spur market growth. More and more apps have been developed and would continue to develop in 2016 to promote businesses and brands.

Dedicated mobile apps are likely to surface in 2016 with the prominent role of mobile technology in the market. This would generate more market opportunities for businesses that invest in customized apps via digital marketing.

Search Engine Marketing

Search Engine Marketing is fast taking a top spot in the market with the growing dependence on search engines such as Google and Bing. These search engines offer tempting market exposure with their SERP listing that is attractive in securing more organic web traffic to the web business site.

More marketers and business owners are vying higher page rankings on their website or web blogs as accorded by search engine giants like Google and Bing. With the best of keywords, Search engine marketing is a powerful marketing tool to enhance the business and brand in the market quickly. As the number of web users increases in 2016, the scope of SEM is likely to increase with more web businesses sprouting up.

Virtual Reality Technology

The emergence of new technologies in the market is not surprising with modern consumers ready to embrace them. This is how it would be with virtual reality technology when its first commercial VR gadget is being released in 2016. There would be a great impact on the market through virtual reality in the digital world.

The dynamism of VR lies in its ability to be attached to social media and various platforms that provide marketers and business owners more business opportunities in promoting their business and brand. 2016 is likely to boost virtual reality technology in generating more dynamic marketing campaigns to benefit online marketers in securing more customers.


An exciting era is expected from 2016 for the market as many dynamic marketing trends are to emerge. Aggressive marketers and business entrepreneurs must be alert to grab the available business opportunities while leveraging on emerging market trends to boost their business outcomes.

The right understanding and insight of emerging marketing trends for 2016 would benefit businesses greatly regardless of their industry. Online marketing is set to stay as an important factor to boost business development and prominence in the marketplace.

About the Author: wpprotools

Viral video marketing is one way of driving traffic that can bring more people to your offer than anything else. Here are some tips from the big players online.

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